Austin, TX – Family & Friends

We’ve been on the road now for about 2-1/2 months, enjoying each others company and the daily attention that we have desired for so long. We are blessed to be in good health, in love and to have the ability to live like we are. Although feeling fulfilled with each other, and of course, the dog and cats(?), it is with long awaited anticipation that we meet up with Laura’s cousin, Holly and her growing family. They have made their home in Austin and know all of the great places to eat – the best brisket in the US is here – and we have been waiting for too long a time to meet up again! Patrick, and sons Thomas and James, became our regular evening guests at the RV. After their work day is over, we would all meet up at the RV park, go to the kids playground area and visit. A great meal always followed!

Of course, showing 2 and 3 year old boys all of the switches, buttons and of course the bellowing air horn(!) was perfect entertainment, except for the air horn after a while (sorry neighbors). What a fun visit, to enjoy the little boys and to know that they will go home to their house at the end of the day, lol.  Man, to be parents of little kids again…what a job, but what rewards for such great boys!



Austin turns out to be home to a Jr High school girlfriend of Laura’s, Donna Toomey. A girls day out was in order and a great time catching up on old times and lost times was had. (So nice to meet you Donna!)



While Laura and Donna were out, Jeff goes to the State Capital building and meets with Patrick Lopez, who works a block away, for a personal tour of the impressive building and surrounding grounds. The state government is open for business every other year(!), and since this is an “off” year I was able to walk throughout the building, into the Senate and Assembly chambers, just about anywhere. The area is full of rich history and makes you appreciate how our country has grown.


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